Trying to be Cute

Cora has more and more words that she can say now. Actually, she has more and more words that she wants to use, but the same small number of sounds that she can make. As a result, she makes her few sounds and thinks that she’s saying the words themselves. Imagine a vocabulary of 20 words and only the sounds ba, buh, da, dada, hmm, mmn, muh, mum, and nnh to communicate them with. “Mmn” means yes and “nnh” means no, and the rest are up for grabs. Needless to say, Tee and I spend a good bit of time with Cora in conversations that go something like this:

Cora: Muh.

Tina: Oh, you want your mommy?
Cora: Nnh. Muh.
Jason: What’s muh?
Cora: (starting to fuss) Muh? Muh? Muh?
Tina: Milk? You want your bottle?
Cora: Mmn! Muh.

Anyway, I got to wondering what Cora’s weblog entries would look like, were she so inclined to write them. I took a stab at creating a weblog for her here.