What I Do Here
Posted by Jason
on 21 Nov 2005
- I’m not a good blogger as defined by quality of the content I produce or size of the audience that reads it. However I still like writing online because it gives me the feeling of having put my thoughts into the public square without the vulnerability that comes with anyone actually, you know, reading it.
- I really enjoy playing with server-side goodies like CMS and PHP scripts. My interest in the technology side of the web is enough for me to justify having my own website, whether the content there is useful to (or visited by!) anyone else or not.
- I write with my family and friends in mind, letting them know what I’ve been thinking lately.
- I have a penchant for writing about photos I’ve posted to Flickr.com.
- Occassionally I’ll swing for the fences and write something topical that I hope will get read in the general blogosphere. Even then don’t expect too much from me because, like I said in the first bullet, I’m not a very good blogger.