There’s an interesting article about introverts marrying extroverts at the blog Introverted Church. My wife and I aren’t polar opposites, Myers-Briggs style, but we do have an intro/extrovert mixed marriage.
The payoff question-and-answer from the article:
So here’s my question: given the vast potential for misunderstanding and conflict between introverts and extroverts, why do so many of us marry our polar opposite? The old cliché says that opposites attract, but why?
In typical introvert fashion, I gave much thought to this issue. My conclusion? We seek the strengths that we lack. Whether consciously or not, we recognize our own weaknesses and look for a partner that can fill in the holes: someone who brings balance to our lives.
via Introverted Church: Guest Post: Married to an Extrovert.
I love my extrovert.