To Hell with the Church

This is a great perspective.

In Matthew 16, Jesus said that He would build His church, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. This does not mean that the church is to huddle safely behind marble walls and stained glass cathedrals, as Satan tries to beat down our doors. Rather, it is the church which is to lay siege to the gates of hell.

…But our enemy is not flesh and blood — we do not attack other people. No, people are the captives and the victims. People are the ones we are fighting for…

So let us stop inviting people to church, and instead invite the church to hell. Let us go with Jesus, and batter down hell’s gates.

via To Hell with the Church | Till He Comes.

This is a great perspective. It could easily become unconvincing by loading on too much “spiritual warfare” craziness, but if it remains about loving and serving people traditionally written off as hell-bound then it’s a powerful description of God’s Kingdom as I understand it.