The Reflection of Our Brokenness

I’ve not quoted this particular blog before, but here’s a terrific description of my own understanding of the Cross.

In Christ’s crucifixion we see both the reflection of our brokenness and the consequence of our brokenness, since in our woundedness we wound in return. We as broken creatures harm those who are least worthy of harm, and bring to grief those towards whom we owe the greatest love. And in the cross, this reality is made manifest to us. At the same time, we’ve been wounded in our turn, and in Christ we see the reflection of a God who is with us in our woundedness, who suffers both for us and because of us, and in whom our hope therefore must rest.

via Against the Stream: Church For Freaks II: Theology.

And because it’s so well said, I can’t resist adding another quote from the same article.

We are all freaks. We are all broken. The straight and the gay, the banker and the heroin addict, the politician and the prostitute. The fundamental message of the Christian faith is: You are accepted, freaks! … Being a freak will not exclude you from the kingdom of God!

Freaks will enter first!