God and Tragedy in Secular Public Schools

Once again I find myself wishing I was brave enough to post something to Facebook, but posting it here instead because I’m not. Friends of mine online have been making and liking posts about how the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings in Connecticut are somehow not surprising given that America has taken Christianity and prayer out of public schools. James McGrath steers us back from the imaginary:

The shooting in this elementary school was not carried out by some elementary-age child who had rebelled against God and, as a result, decided to kill lots of people. It was carried out by someone who came into a school where children, despite there being no formal religious activity or education imposed on them, were behaving in a civilized manner towards one another (as much as can be expected from children no matter their religious affiliation). And many lives were saved because teachers in that school, teachers who never imposed their religious views on the children, acted heroically to save their lives.

The claim that this has something to do with prayer being taken out of schools is absolute vile garbage.

via God and Tragedy in Secular Public Schools.