There is much we do not know

A couple of interesting ideas from RJS at the Jesus Creed blog. She’s in the midst of a series reviewing Ronald Osborn’s book Death Before the Fall, and she posts these ideas near the end of today’s post (emphasis mine):

  • There is a humble recognition that there is much that we simply do not know. We don’t have all the answers in science, or in our interpretation of scripture. An honest humility will serve us well and relieve us from the “oppressive burden of knowing.” There are not nice neat answers for every question.
  • The description of creation emphasizes competing freedoms rather than divine design or decree to account for features of “natural evil” that we see in the world today. Osborn finds that this offers moral and theological coherence he doesn’t see in other explanations for predation and “natural” evil.
  • Christ is not plan C offered to correct plan A (Adam) or even plan B (Israel) gone awry. Christ is the true Adam and the faithful Israel. More importantly Christ is the redeemer of Creation from the dawn of time.

via Jesus Ate Fish and Other Thoughts on Death RJS.